
The "Anti-Racist Mediterranean " a sporting event against racism

Sunday, 25 May 2014

The "Anti-Racist Mediterranean " is a sporting  artistic and cultural event, whose first edition was held in Palermo in June 2008. The goal of the event is the promotion of intercultural relations between the different components that live in the metropolitan city, trying to questioning dichotomies such center/periphery and inclusion/exclusion. In this historical  moment speaking about a different kind of Mediterranean is more important than ever: the riots and the desire for liberation that comes from the southern shores of the Mediterranean is presented to the public as a problem of refugees and illegal immigrants. The Western imperial barbarism, unable to read beyond its economic and commercial interests, has skillfully staged yet another bogey of a "barbarian invasion".


The project "Mediterraneo Antirazzista 2014" will take place in the city of Naples (Scampia), Rome (Metropoliz), Genoa (S. Gottardo - Molassana) and Palermo.
The project aims to promote an intercultural vision of our society and to break the barriers of racism, hardship and degradation through sport and cultural production, intended as a vehicle of social comparison and socialization. The six previous editions have shown that the encounter and the interweaving of relationships, in fact, brings the opportunity to meet and overcome fears and prejudices, which in most cases give rise to the phenomena of social exclusion.
The seventh edition of the Mediterranean Antiracist will be divided into two parts: "Mediterraneo Antirazzista on the road" and "Mediterraneo Antirazzista 2014".

Images show the meeting and events in Rome c/o Metropoliz on 24th May 2014

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