E’ una donna giovane ma il tempo la segna impietosamente, la sofferenza è scolpita nel volto e nel corpo, nella postura, nella mano stretta in un pugno rassegnato. Condizione esteriore ed interiore si fondono, si confondono, suo malgrado porta su di sé e ci trasmette come un’icona la rappresentazione vivente dell’ingiustizia sociale.
Fare questa foto non è stato gratificante…è stato doloroso. L’interazione difficile e ammantata di falsità, necessaria, umana, una carezza di vanità per alleggerire il senso reale delle cose. Sapeva benissimo perché fossi interessato a fotografarla, sapeva benissimo che era proprio la sua sofferenza che mi interessava, la tristezza sul suo volto, la crudezza del tempo…una donna, pur sempre una donna anche lei, davanti all’obbiettivo fotografico…
A life a woman, beyond rhetorics, it is all what this image describes. These are the eyes of those who have lost everything: work, home, even love; whose life is suffering and pain, in a condition which is difficult to tell without dwelling on the injustices of our society, on the poverty and degradation where it relegates people.
It's a young woman but time marks her face with cruelty and suffering, all is carved in the face and body, in the posture, in that hand kept closed in a tight resigned fist. Here exterior and interior conditions blend together, blended in spite of her. She seems to us an iconic representation of social problems.
To take this photo has not been gratifying ... it was painful. The interaction very difficult and pretending to tell other necessary human words, just a caress of vanity to lighten the sense of reality. She knew very well why I was interested in photographing her, she knew that it was her pain that interested me, that sadness on her face, the crudeness of time ... a woman, still a woman, she too, in front of a photographic lens.
Inclusa nel portfolio di anteprima “Reportage” / Also included in the portfolio “Stories”: